Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Every weekend is so great....

It was Thanksgiving weekend in Jinju, and there was an amazing feast held at the International Church downtown, which included all the delicious staples of my most favorite holiday. Especially due to the fact that turkey is almost impossible to get in Korea, and a lot of foreigners have never even tried turkey before, my friends and I had been looking forward to this event for well over a month now; in fact, we were counting down the days. It did not disappoint.

I was also lucky enough to have my two friends from Buffalo, Tony and Jenna, come visit from their home an hour away in Masan. Icing the cake was the fact that a friend of mine, leaving for 5 weeks, has entrusted me with his rickety orange scooter. I picked it up Sunday night and now I have wheels!!!!!!! Feeling wild and free and mobile (ain't that America), it was all in all a lovely day.

happy toilet

happy eve and caroline... saturday, so beautiful and sunny :)

morgan, sarah and caroline waiting for their dinners..... the anticipation is killing us

tony and jenna <3 having some wine by the river in the sun

cat cafe.... squish ball on top of the bookshelf :)
In other news, this week (tomorrow) is the "school festival." For some unknown reason, it is causing everyone (teachers and students) a lot of stress. This is basically another day dedicated to students singing, dancing, art, and comedy routines. I was also roped into singing three songs with my co-teacher and the art teacher on guitar. We'll see how it pans out, but I'm not very hopeful. My kids have been skipping my classes for weeks now, and this week, four of my classes have actually been cancelled. Students are instead perfecting their routines in the mirrors of the bathroom (this is not only allowed.... it's encouraged). I think parents may also attend, it's a pretty large scale event. Anyway, here's more pictures!

"helping" with balloons.... mostly just trying to tie them together, then watching them be untied and "done correctly"

our "english board," which i thought looked great, but everyone else said "too much" and when i came back it was completely re-done. haha :)

i'm sure more soon.....

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Blogger Spike speaks said...

Definitely need to see more pics from the Thanksgiving feast....and (hopefully) you'll post pics / videos of the events at school on Wednesday - 11/30/11.

Love you!

November 29, 2011 at 5:04 PM  

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