Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Monday, October 31, 2011

Kiss of the Mumdi

Halloweekend was a right sloppy mess!
Friday I went out for delicious pork BBQ with Aine, Gareth & Gareth, Eoin and Mikey. I hate taking cabs in Jinju (for obvious reasons, haha), mostly because I can almost never communicate properly with the cab driver, and usually end up in the wrong place. Friday night, again, I ended up in the wrong "dong" (neighborhood) at about 11:30PM. By some miracle I managed to get home before midnight! I much prefer the busses- because I know the routes and where to get off- but they don't run after 11PM.

Saturday my friend Eve came into Jinju at about 2 in the afternoon. We went to the craft store downtown and bought a load of stuff for her to be a bunch of grapes as a costume. Next, we went to my favorite thrift store and bought even more good stuff, including a giant graying curtain for me to tear apart and be a mummy. We went back to my apartment, got some wine and snacks, and began working industriously on our costumes while watching dramatic teen TV programs from the UK (awesome). Our other friend Morgan soon joined us, and by 7:45, we were wined up and dressed to meet Aine, Gareth, and CR for dinner downtown.

The walk from dinner to the bar was (conveniently) about seven steps. The night was kind of a haze, and included a lot of dancing, laughing, my costume falling off all over the place, making friends with koreans, and most of all, shots. A highlight of the event was that the bartenders let me DJ, which was awesome. I chose the set for apx. two hours of rawkus partying, and overall it was a success. I had forgotten how much I love forcing drunk people to listen to music that I like! There was a fire show which at the time, everyone in the bar (myself included) thought was awesome, but the video looks really lame, haha, and I did NOT choose the music for this part. (see: video)

Also a lot of phone number/facebook exchanging.

my super adorbz friends eve and morgan in the costumes we spent all afternoon making, haha

grapes, "william wallace" and mumdi

The night ended with Eve cutting me out of my costume, and us sitting on my kitchen floor at 3AM eating ice cream and ramen noodles. Though Sunday, I was a bit of a useless mess (I only left my bed to walk to the nearest fast food restaurant.... MEAT BAR)

my kinda place

All in all, it was another great weekend! Fall is finally here in Jinju, though in a rather whimpy fashion as compared to the mighty colors of Western New York.

Love and miss you all!

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