Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Two Months

I did it..... I passed the two months mark! With flying colors, I might add... I didn't even notice two months had passed until today. It's crazy. On one hand, I feel like I left Buffalo yesterday. Time really flies!! I've been so busy, and meeting new people and experiencing new things.

On the other hand, I feel like I've been in Korea two years, not two months. I feel very used to my life: I have a really good schedule, and most of the time, I'm comfortable and happy. Teaching and planning are now second nature, and I'm having more and more fun with my students. I still get incredibly homesick sometimes, though the instances are far less often these days. I'm very lucky to have found a group of dynamic, intelligent, funny friends with similar interests. It's also really comforting to know my way around, to have a favorite place to eat, shop, etc. It makes it feel more like home. It's getting better all the time! Yay Korea!

It's a beautiful fall day outside- 70 and sunny. Tonight is girlfriends pizza and movie night, and I'm siked.

<3 more soon



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