Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Monday, March 26, 2012

Things I'd Like to Consume Today But Can't

I've created my "coming home tour rider," ie, dreaming about food. Again.

1. Freshly baked "everything" bagels with veggie cream cheese
2. My mom's (Christmas special) almond coffee cake with homemade icing. If she won't do this, an Entenman's cheese danish will suffice.
3. Cranberry mimosas, a lot of them. Fresh strawberries as a garnish.
4. A pot of freshly brewed drip coffee, with real cream

1-6. Barbeque fare- grilled corn on the cob, grilled asparagus with fresh ground pepper, steamed clams with lime, potato salad, grilled lamb chops, Italian sausages.
7. Non-skunky Corona, with plenty of limes.

8-9. Pulled pork sandwiches on soft white Kaiser rolls, sweet potato fries.
10-11. A homemade turkey sandwich on thick white bread with Swiss cheese and all the fixins, served with a heaping portion of Ruffles. 
12. A beef souvlaki from Pano's, medium rare, extra feta, extra pepperoncinis, extra tomatoes and cucumbers. Extra tzeiki.

1. Monster Roll- broccoli, fresh mozzarella, sharp cheddar, asparagus, onions, peppers, and spicy Italian sausage, all baked into a huge loaf of bread.
2. My mom's famed Corned beef & cabbage dinner, with steamed potatoes and carrots
3. Southerntier Pumpking, flowing.
4. An extra-large 1/2 cheese 1/2 cheese & pepp pizza from Casa Di Pizza, 20 hot barbeque wings, and a mountain of bleu cheese on the side.
5. Any amazingly delicious entree from SeaBar.

1. Rootbeer floats
2. Soft, still-warm chocolate chip cookies.
3. The bananas foster dessert, served in a chalice with steaming, homemade caramel, from Shango.

Six more months!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever you manage to come home you'll have "Christmas" almond coffee cake, fresh brewed coffee with real cream (all you can drink), BBQ - whatever you want, pulled pork, corned beef-cabbage-etc....til you drop :-)

Love you, BIG!

March 27, 2012 at 6:54 AM  

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