Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wet Sweat Sweat

I've been officially hit by the mucous train. I hit the sauce a bit too hard this weekend (sorry mom) to send off a friend (a commonplace event these days). Needless to say, my body has had enough abuse and is letting me know.... no more soju, no more dancing, no more late nights- time to sleep ya jerk! I've been subjected to sweats/chills, fever dreams, muscle ache, constant fatigue, and a lovely wet cough that just won't go away. Thankfully, today I don't have to do anything at work besides look busy... although I'm bummed the nap room is closed (among my biggest problems in Korea, the nap room that I get paid to use at work is not open today). Juheon has been taking excellent care of me- yesterday he brought me a pizza in my delirious, sweaty/cold stupor- and today we are going to to the hospital this afternoon so I can get a "miracle shot," or super anti-biotic. If I don't feel better by Thursday (the day before Ian gets here), I'll try going back to the jjimjilbang to cook all it out. Immune system don't fail me now!

Despite my ridiculous state, yesterday was a fabulous lengthy band practice- I feel pretty solid about my involvement in The Gay Sexyz.Our drummer's girlfriend recorded a bunch of the songs yesterday, and if he sends me the appropriate links, I'll post some of the music here. It looks as though we'll be playing 3-5 shows in March/early April! 
In other news, today was the first measurable snowfall here in Jinju (maybe 1 cm, which has already melted, haha)! I must admit, it has been a strange winter without snow (my first ever)- even though I know Buffalo is experiencing something similar this season.

Tomorrow is Graduation, which will warrant at least 4-5 hours of general confusion! I will try to stay out of the way/hide as much as possible. There are guaranteed to be at least 50 parents present, which means I must at least comb my hair in the morning. Pictures to come!


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