Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Sunny December

Thanks to fistfuls of vitamins, a good amount of luxurious napping, and a generally positive outlook, I'm feeling 1000% better today! The sun is shining, and so am I. I still have relatively no voice to teach with, but I'm making do with powerpoints, pictures and movies. This afternoon I'm showing Home Alone to my students.... my favorite Christmas movie! They better appreciate it, haha.

Time is moving so fast, I really can't believe I'm approaching four months away from home. My co-teacher says that when you're in your twenties, time moves 200 kilometers per hour. When you're in your fifties (like her), it's 500 kilometers an hour. The weeks seem to fly lately; I'm nearly a third of the way through!

This weekend a large group of friends and I are travelling to Seoul together. I'm so excited! This will be my first time in the second largest city in the world. Though I've never really felt a penchant toward bustling, large cities (ie, New York), and I am more than a little nervous about getting lost on the winding labrynth that is the Seoul subway system, it will certainly be amazing to visit. We're going to be going to "Santacon Seoul 2011," which is, quite simply, hundreds of people dressed in Santasuits, parading through the streets of Seoul caroling/bar crawling. Last year, there were about 500 santas, both foreign and Korean, and this year promises even more people. I bought my santa suit last weekend (complete with beard!!) and I can't wait to wear it!

Pictures coming soon to a computer screen near you!

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