Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gay Sexxyz... Part I

A wild, craaaazy hilarious fun weekend!
Friday night, the Gay Sexxyz, played our first show ever at a small bar with a tiny but well equipped stage near the university (I played a triple decker keyboard, it was super professional!). We wanted this show to kind of be a practice run for the next night- so we didn't tell anyone about it. Jon (the bassist) and I picked the instruments up at our practice space and took them to the bar to set up around 9; we started around 11, and though there were only about 10 people there, we had a really fun time and felt prepared for the next day.

Saturday was the big show at Jam Bar, but also a bake sale/fundraiser for the Vagina Monologues (being involved in both things, I had a busy day). I made a trip over to a friend's apartment to bring some baking items and enjoy the gorgeous weather. At 7, it was time for the sound check, blowing up balloons and putting makeup on the men. To keep with the Gay/Sexxyz theme, I brought plenty of clothes to dress the men in- and they were good sports, for the most part- though it kind of sucked to see them looking better in my stuff than I do. After fried chicken and beer, it was time to get back to the bar and go. The place was pretty packed! We were shocked when we walked in and there was nowhere to sit! The VM girls brought 200 jello shots and the place was lined with baked goods. After getting There were three openers, girls on guitars singing covers. It was clear the crowd needed some gay sexxyz and quickly.

We came out in epic form, played our 13 song set flawlessly, and the audience loved it. All of our friends were there and danced enthusiastically the whole set, I was thankful for their support. I played guitar-and sang! And afterwards we rode the rockstar wave to free beers and pats on the back from our friends. In true rock and roll fashion, someone threw a pie in Jon's face while he was smoking a cigarette, we all died. It was magical, I didn't want it to end! Not ready to go home just yet, we crammed 15 people into a norebang (karaoke closet) and screamed and laughed and sang and drank until the wee hours.
jamie and ssean, wearing my clothes and makeup

me, jon, jamie, ssean, jake (on the drums)

playing the guitar on "Beat Back"

burning down jinju!

It was a magical evening, I can't wait until Saturday, sadly our third and final show. More pictures to come!

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful weather. I peeled myself out of bed, shook off a layer of glitter and met my girlfriends in the park for an afternoon of a lot of laughing and chugging water. It turns out, the fundraiser for the VMs (from the bake sale, jello shots, and other donations) raised almost $500! That means, the two fundraisers I organized (with the dance party last weekend) combined raised almost $1000! My part in the money making is done, haha- now it's time to memorize some lines.
caroline, emma, me, jiwon, and eve loving the warm weather (jackie's taking the pic)
Then last night, it was dinner with Jon and Ssean and back to the bar to pick up our gear and stuff it into a taxi to take back to the practice space.

I wish every weekend were just like this one.

More soon,

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