Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ding Dong....

Monday morning was going on as normal. Three classes, then as I sat down to my computer before lunch, the news broke that Kim Jong Il, the arguably insane leader of North Korea, was dead. The office was pretty quiet, and I assumed no one had heard yet.

The article:

I told the Home-Ec teacher (seated next to me) and pointed at the article on the screen, with a big picture of his face on it. I said, "Kim Jong Il..." and mimed a throat cut/dead move. She cried, "Chincha?!" ("Really?!?!") Within seconds, every teacher in the office was crowded around my desk. After minutes of lively chattering, laughing, even hugging and jumping up and down, then quietly letting the news sink in, they retreated to their respective desks and googled the news in private. Eyes were glued to screens. Students began pouring in, asking if the news was true. Facebook statuses were update by the dozens. It felt similar to when Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were captured and killed, even though this man died freely and naturally (or so is being reported). I didn't know whether to share in their excitement and relief or just simply not care. Afterall, behind one man, there is another, and another.

Though it could have happened at any time (the guy was super old, and more than likely suffering from several diseases), I feel lucky, in a sick way I guess, to be here in South Korea and watch the events of the next few months unfold. At this point, it's pretty unclear whether power will pass to Kim Jong Il's son, Jong Un, or something else altogether. Maybe some changes will be made, maybe nothing will change at all. Regardless, it will be very interesting to follow this story. Only time will tell!

Peace in the far East,
<3 M

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