Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Monday, October 3, 2011

even more culture shock

A few more observations:

Over the past few days, I've noticed a lot of Koreans clipping their nails in public. Why is it ok to do this, but not ok to blow your nose in public?! When I am out and about, the sound of the streets, cars, people, dogs, club jams, whatever, can be DEAFENING, and I will immediately be able to pick the sound of nail clippers out, that's how much it bothers me. It's like nails on a chalkboard. It makes me want to fly in a rage when I am on the bus and a man sitting beside me is clipping away with a keychain clipper (in a perfect world, those should not even exist). Hello, I'm sitting next to you sir, trying to read Game of Thrones, but I can't even concentrate because I'm so disgusted I want to puke! Even more so when I'm at my desk and TWO people in the room are clipping their nails. Disgusting! I'm shielding myself from tiny bits of nail flying at my face. Go away! Do this at home!

I've decided Koreans have some pretty weird rules governing what is appropriate. For instance, it's totally appropriate to brush your teeth in public, anywhere, anytime. My students walk through the halls at school brushing their teeth. I got off the bus yesterday and saw two young girls brushing their teeth walking around downtown. Weird? My friends Gareth and Aine work at a school with very young kids, where there is one communal toothbrush for the kids to use whenever they feel like it. ONE toothbrush for a load of buggery children. GROSS.

Visible tattoos are not ok (though really only with the old folks... it seems the younger generation is more open minded about it).
Super dangly earrings are not ok. (They insinuate that a woman is a prostitute)

It's totally inappropriate for a woman to show any kind of cleavage or bare her shoulders; to do would also make people think she is a prostitute. However, it's totally ok to wear shorts/skirts so short they practically cover less than underwear.

I really want a pizza and a rootbeer float today.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of *those* days, huh?! Sorry babes! Hugs...
Love, Mom

October 4, 2011 at 1:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry for the constant comments but - I wake up and go to sleep wanting pizza. Interesting because I didn't know I liked pizza that much. I think it's the diabolical combo of REAL BREAD, familiar seasonings and . . . slurp . . . gah, good cheese. I empathize.

October 5, 2011 at 12:29 AM  
Blogger Mud Burger said...

Man oh man, what I wouldn't give for a Casa Di Pizza right about now.... haha

October 6, 2011 at 12:56 AM  

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