Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My last day of the Chuseok holiday was today, and there was no better way to spend it than to have a picnic in the park with my great new friend CR (I know what the 'C' stands for.... but I'm not allowed to tell anyone, haha). We met at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) where CR is an English teacher. The campus is beautifully landscaped and well planned, and definitely a place I will go back and explore a bit better. There are a lot of hiking trails as well that go through some of the hills in Jinju, and I can't wait to walk through those as well. CR loves to cook, and brought BLTs with homemade basil/garlic mayonnaise and fresh squeezed lemonade! I brought a bottle of wine and we had a lovely time sitting in the park and talking. The weather was beautiful (though slightly too hot) and CR promised to take me to a really special place next.....


When he originally told me about this, I was in disbelief. A cafe! With cats in it! That just walk around and want you to snuggle with them! And you drink coffee and get snacks there! It was really clean, too. Whatever, you guys probably don't care but it was like heaven to me. A genius business plan!

I definitely plan on going back, and CR told me there are definitely TWO of these in Jinju, one closer to where I am. I loved it so much, words can't describe.

Below: CR and this crazy little cuddle monster (laying on our beverage tray) who tried to eat my rabbit's foot

Little kitties everywhere!


Fluffy whites

Note: little blackie lounging on CR's lap. My heart melts!

Lastly: One of many hilarious signs around Jinju 

Such a great day!

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