Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Feeling... Ok?

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster these past few days.

First of all, a general complaint about Korean beds: They are HARD AS ROCKS. Or maybe it's just mine? Anyway, it's virtually impossible to get a good night's sleep on these beds. If by some miracle I DO make it through the night, I wake up in such pain (neck, back, hips) that it's kind of hard to get through the day. Oh well. I suppose that's another thing added to the laundry list of "things that will take getting used to." Moving on.

Yesterday while walking through the grocery store, I met two foreign girls, Minneke, from Australia, and Marcia from New Jersey. Later, I came across a girl named Janice while walking down the street. It was a feeling of such elation, I can't possibly even describe. I imagine seeing these three English speaking people was like what Christopher Columbus must have felt like when he saw an island off the coast of America for the first time. And, an island accurately describes what these girls are to me here: I gave my email address to them, and they to me. I wrote to them and so far have heard nothing.

I came home from that long walk to internet that was WORKING! It was such a victory. I immediately skyped with Ian, and we talked and laughed, it was the first time I think I've laughed in a week. It was such a nice conversation, I felt so good.

I then walked about 20 minutes downtown to meet a guy from South Africa named Francois that I had made contact with earlier in the day on facebook. I felt on top of the world at that point, that things were beginning to come together. I walked toward the bridge and waited for him for about a half an hour, to no avail. I can't lose hope, and I'm not too upset about it, because I was able to make contact with him once I got back home, and he assured me that we could try and meet again later on this week. I blame not having a cell phone. I DID, however, get a phone number from a super creepy 4'11" tall guy named Indika, from Sri Lanka who followed me across the street and INTO THE BANK. Sweet.

This morning I woke up to the lovely sounds of hammers on steel. I immediately skyped with my mom, which was great. It was so nice to see her face. I mostly complained, I think. Don't get me wrong, people. Everyone I talk to seems to say, get through the first two weeks. After the first two weeks you will be just fine. And I believe them. It's just, right now, I feel like crap. I feel alternately crushingly homesick and sad, to slapping myself in the face and telling myself to man up and deal with it, and telling myself I'll get through it. I just need a hug from someone.

Just keep swimming.


Blogger Spike speaks said...

Thank you for doing this...I know you didn't want to, but it WILL make communication easier than having to write the same thing over-and-over....and it will act as a diary for you. You'll be able to look back at this a few weeks (months?) from now and wonder why you were so concerned. I love you more than you will ever knowever know, and I'm praying for you! Mom

September 5, 2011 at 5:54 PM  

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