Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fall Update

Wow! It certainly has been a very long time since my last post. There's simply too much going on at all times. My life here just isn't slowing down at all! In the past few weeks, I have been playing music as often as possible, I acted in a short film, I was used as a model by a Korean friend in a makeup festival, beach weekends, general fun and craziness.
The teaching is going so smoothly lately, though I have good weeks and bad. I've started co-coaching boys' soccer on Thursdays and really just get paid to run around with my kids for two hours. Yesterday, a bunch of my ex-students (who graduated in March) came back to visit me. It was a really weirdly validating experience; they spoke English so much better than I had remembered, and they were all so happy to see me! Two boys brought me chocolates and told me they missed me. It warmed my heart!

making all the things! my fan did not look like the rest of theirs :)

picking strawberries!!

Kim and I, teaching our third grade class

my school!

Ron beating Logan by a hair

Sean came back last week and Cancertron is REUNITED! We plan on playing at least one show before I go home for Christmas (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and we have tons of new songs to introduce. Maybe even a music video..... We will probably also try to play shows in other cities for the first time!

Six weeks from today I will be HOME!!!!!!! I can't believe I'm typing those words. At this point, Buffalo is as foreign a place to me as Korea was when I first arrived here. I can't even begin to fathom what I will experience during the month I will be back. I am beside myself with excitement to see my family and friends!

It's a beautiful life. It just keeps getting better.