Things I Don't Remember

eating snacks all around the world

Monday, September 5, 2011

Falling Down, and Looking Up

I never liked beer much. It all tasted the same to me, like some drunk's breath at nine in the morning. and I had just decided that I was never going to like it, much preferring liquor and wine. When I was 21, and surrounded by friends who loved it (together with my live-in boyfriend who collected beer bottles), I decided to force myself to like beer. I drank enough of it (not all at once, mom!) and often enough that soon, I could taste subtle differences in the brews. I could detect hops immediately (which, I detest! hoppy beer tastes like pinesol, I don't care what anyone says.), and learned to prefer the delicate flavor of wheat beers and nutty brown ales to stouts and pilseners. One day I woke up and realized I loved beer, just like a romantic comedy. It was in front of me all the time! Now, I'll take it pretty much any way it comes (but never pale ales. gross).
Long story short, this is also the way I feel about Kimchi, one of the staple side dishes of Korea. Kimchi is a dish made of fermented cabbage, radish leaves, and cucumbers, and it's made differently all over the country. Most places have their own special "blend" if you will. It's similar to the texture of slimy coleslaw but the taste is equal parts spicy and sour. In short, I think it's one of the more vile things I've ever eaten, tantem to eating a sour burp. But, people here eat it with literally every meal, and even little kids love it. I think if I were ten years old, there's no way anyone would get me near that stuff, but I eat it anyway, every day. I am in the process of teaching myself to like Kimchi, and I have hope that, like beer, I eat enough of it, often enough, that I won't even feel myself slipping over to the darkside.

On a completely different note, yesterday morning was rough. After I posted last, I tried not to cry pretty much all morning at school, and was helped by the awesome distraction that are my classes. I've been teaching now for a few days, and my classes are going.... kind of disastrously. I'm not sure even what I'm teaching at this point. The materials I have been given do not make sense to me. To better illustrate what I mean, I will explain to you about my third grade (ages 15-16) textbook, what I am supposed to be teaching: Chapter 8. It's entitled "Poems We Love," and for the first seven pages or so, it does cover poetry in an adequate manner. But then, suddenly, page 142 jumps to talking about helping a friend learn how to dance (?) and helping the elderly cross the street. There are countless other examples throughout all three grade level books- the books are simply terribly written, and really don't even provide me with any good material to teach these poor kids. However, my teacher seems to think things are GREAT. My vice-principal even sat in on one class yesterday morning, and was really pleased! Even though I thought it went kind of terribly. I guess I just need to relax and not worry about the kids really learning? I don't really know what is expected of me yet, I'll give it time.

So anyway, immediately after I taught these classes, feeling kind of weird about the way things had gone, I fell down a flight of stone stairs at work, right in front of all of my students, and my co-teacher. (I am okay!) I tried SO HARD not to cry.... Naturally every kid crowded around me and helped me up, picked up my books, etc, and I kind of hurried back to my office and cried while my teacher bandanged up my arms and legs. Though in pain and deeply embarassed, I felt a strange relief then, knowing that the worst part of my day was behind me at 2:30 PM.

I went home last night and met my FIRST FRIEND!!!!!!!! for a beer and then coffee and food. His name is Francois, and he is from South Africa, in Jinju teaching English to Elementary school level children. We met on a website called, which is a place for teachers to discuss anything from issues with students/teachers to where to find a good rummage sale on the weekends. We have been talking on facebook for a few days, and tried to meet the other day. I took the bus to a meeting place near where he lives (a ten minute bus ride maybe) and we walked and talked in the pouring rain and got some food in central Jinju. He has been in Korea since April and promises to introduce me to all of his foreign friends. Saturday we are even going to an English speaking church together!! I feel relief, Francois is my "in." I know the worst part of my stay in Korea is already behind me, and for that I am so thankful. I slept very well last night for the first time since I've been here. So I guess we can all look forward to a lot more upbeat postings, coming soon!! (Together with pictures, I PROMISE!!!)

*A note on my address/shipping care packages:
To all who have asked, I DO have my address. I can receieve packages at my school easily, but here's the thing: To send mail to me in Korea, the package needs to have BOTH the address written in English AS WELL AS Korean. So, what I need to do today or tomorrow, is have Ellen type my address up for me, in English and Korean. Once she does that for me, I will e-mail it to everyone!!!

Much love to you all,
Thank you everyone for all your kind words thus far,
And thanks to everyone who has been praying.
More soon,


Blogger Spike speaks said...

beer to kimchi = good analogy...LOL!
I'm glad you've made a friend :-)
Love you!

September 5, 2011 at 5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mandi, I love your blog. I immediately bookmarked it, and plan to read, and enjoy it, as much as I enjoy trashy celebrity tabloids. You've officially made it past week one. Of course things are going to be difficult to adjust to, but, girl, keep that pretty chin up! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You're one of the most adventurous, and strong-willed people I know, and there's no doubt in my mind that you're exactly were you're supposed to be. Love you lots! Keep the posts coming!! Xoxo

September 5, 2011 at 11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there, babe! i love you so much and am sending you more hugs everyday! it will get easier, i promise!!! and you're right...don't be so hard on're learning so much and taking in so many new things! be good to yourself and indulge yourself when you can! i'll be praying that you make some more new friends, soon! love, love, love you! b

September 6, 2011 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger Mud Burger said...

I love you guys! Thanks so much for your support.

September 6, 2011 at 7:32 PM  

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